+ Financial Accounting and Reporting



>Contact finacctreporting@okcps.org for assistance.


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Forms are in PDF format allowing users to complete forms and insert an eSignature without printing. For best results, save a copy of the forms to your computer before completing.


The Financial Accounting & Reporting (FAR) department is responsible for Assets (see below), Bonds, TIF,  General Ledger Maintenance and SAP Maintenance. 


FAR Department

  • Clint Everhart - Director of Financial Accounting and Reporting
  • Lindsey Williams - Manager of Financial Accounting and Reporting
  • Hailey Harding - Sr. Financial Account and Reporting Analyst



*For SAP password or SAP connectivity issues, please submit a ticket. Click here to be redirected.


*For user access issues:

              -Human Resources: Laurie Coleman (lacoleman@okcps.org)

              -Finance: Clint Everhart (ceeverhart@okcps.org)

              -Release Strategies Essence Brown (eebrown-edwards@okcps.org)


Assets Forms / Instructions