Home of the Eagles!
Shelly Deas
Email: sadeas@okcps.org
Assistant Principal
Craig Edwards
Email: cledwards@okcps.org
School Hours
8:20 a.m. - 3:10 p.m.
By providing equitable access to a world class education, every Hillcrest Elementary student will graduate ready to fulfill their unique purpose in a healthy, vibrant community.
Every day, Hillcrest Elementary will ignite a passion for learning in every child, invite families to engage, and inspire respectful and trusting relationships with our diverse community.
Why We Love Hillcrest
“I love working at Hillcrest because there are a lot of great opportunities to get involved!”
-Jamie, ELL Teacher
“I feel like my team is always there for me and we keep each other on track.”
-Laurie, Teacher
“I feel at Hillcrest, I have a great opportunity to make a significant impact on my students’ lives.”
–Calley, Teacher
“I have increased my professional skills and ability by networking with my colleagues and principal.”
–Heather, Teacher