Discipline Policy
The Teachers, Staff, and Students agree that we are responsible for our own behavior.
We follow the Eight Expectations for Living at school and at home.Consequences:
In line with the Oklahoma City Public Schools Student Code of Conduct, we use every method possible to promote positive behaviors.These include but are not limited to:
Positive Incentives:- Caught Being Good
- Teacher rewards (stickers, treasure chest, etc.)
- Parent contact (phone call, stamp or sticker in expectation log, note home, etc.)
- Reminder or redirection using the 8 expectations
- Natural Consequence whenever possible
- Immediate time out of current activity (approx. 5-20 minutes)
- Loss of activity and reflection letter to parents (such as recess or extra activity)
- Phone call to parents
- Referral to Principal
* The RED consequences will be reported on the Expectation Log to parents.
*Severe Clause-skip to #6 for fighting, vandalism, or other serious behavior that warrants immediate attention.