Discipline Policy

  • The Teachers, Staff, and Students agree that we are responsible for our own behavior.
    We follow the Eight Expectations for Living at school and at home. 

    In line with the Oklahoma City Public Schools Student Code of Conduct, we use every method possible to promote positive behaviors. 
    These include but are not limited to:
    Positive Incentives:
    • Caught Being Good
    • Teacher rewards (stickers, treasure chest, etc.)
    • Parent contact (phone call, stamp or sticker in expectation log, note home, etc.)



    • Reminder or redirection using the 8 expectations
    • Natural Consequence whenever possible
    • Immediate time out of current activity (approx. 5-20 minutes)
    • Loss of activity and reflection letter to parents (such as recess or extra activity)
    • Phone call to parents
    • Referral to Principal

    * The RED consequences will be reported on the Expectation Log to parents.
    *Severe Clause-skip to #6 for fighting, vandalism, or other serious behavior that warrants immediate attention.