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- *NEW Conference, Professional Development, Travel & Leave Process
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Overview of Process
FY25 Conference / Professional Development / Travel Forms and Process
Do you want to view the 01.31.2025 training session? Click here to open a view.
Introduction: The 3-Step Process: 1-Pre-Auth, 2-Profile & Quote and 3-Approval all must be completed 30 days before departure/first date of event.
Begin the process 10 to 15 working days before the deadline to ensure all paperwork is completed timely. Depending on approvers', attendees' and requisitioners' scheduled time off leading up to the event, it may be necessary to begin sooner.
The term "Requisitioner" is used to identify the staff member who creates purchase requisitions. This position is sometimes referred to as the Financial Secretary.
Where do you get the forms:
- Step 1 (Pre-Authorization) See below in the Step 1 section,
- Step 2 (Profile & Quote Request) can only be obtained through emails after Step 1 (Pre-Auth) is complete, and
- Step 3 (Approvals) can only be obtained through emails after Step 2 (Profile & Quote Request) is complete.
To ensure you are receiving all information/notifications, please monitor your incoming emails closely or take a minute to set up email filters.
How do I request budget for the Conference / PD / Training / Travel event?
- Funding Source Title I (11511) - Funds should already be available in the budget.
- All others - After initial approvals are in place, the form will route the request for budget approval and then to the budget department for the budget to be loaded.
Step 1 - FY25 Conf/PD/Travel Pre-Authorization Form (questions? Email purchasing@okcps.org)
Beginning this year, events will be vetted by Eddie Wright (when the funding source is Athletics) and Alishia Suffield (everything else) before travellers are allowed to create and submit a Profile & Quote Request. Certain criteria must be met before the would-be travellers are approved. Below is a small example of criteria/requests that will be required:
- Number of Days,
- Number of Staff Attending,
- Total Cost,
- No Cost Travel (must be pre-approved), and
- All staff presenting at an event must upload a copy of any presentations for review
After the authorization is completed and approved, the pre-auth submitter will receive a link to the Profile & Quote Request form. This link should be shared with all staff attending the Conference/Professional Development/Training.
The Event Coordinator completes this form. There should be only 1 form per event. So if several staff members are attending an event, only one Pre-Auth will be completed.
Do you want more information on completing the Pre-Authorization? Video Pending
Click here to open and begin the Pre-Authorization.
Step 2 - FY25 Conf/PD/Travel Profile & Quote Request (questions? Email purchasing@okcps.org)
Please read the instructions carefully! Incorrect responses may result in no travel arrangements for the travelers or travelers that will not be allowed to attend.
The purpose of this form is to gather all basic information from each traveler and send to our travel company, Journey House, a request for quotes.
Also, before a staff member can be included in a Conference, Professional Development, Training, or Travel, we are required to have a signature indicating that the staff member is aware of the event and the details of when and where. The signature also indicates the staff member will be participating in and making arrangements for the event.
After Journey House completes the request for quotes, the Traveler and the Requisitioner will receive an email with the requested information; along with an attached itinerary.
This form also processes all Virtual, No Cost and Registration & Incidentals only requests. These groups do not require overnight accommodations or the accommodations are at no cost to the District.
After all travellers' Profile & Quote Requests are received, the Requisitioner will begin Step 3 - FY25 Conf/PD/Travel Approvals.
Do you want more information on completing the Profile and Quote Request? Click Here to open and review our training video.
Step 3 - FY25 Conf/PD/Travel Approval (questions? Email purchasing@okcps.org)
This is the final step in the process. The Requisitioner will gather all profiles, registrations, the fully approved "Approval" form and the pre-auth form to be attached to the approval form. The data keyed into the Profile & Quote Request Form is linked to the final approval form. Without a profile, final approval and funding will not be possible.
Do you want more information on completing the Approval form? Click Here to open and review our training video.
Creating PRs
Helpful Tips on Completing PRs
Filling out the PR Lines - Click here
Required PR Attachments
From the Conference Page:
- Agenda
- Registration Cost Documentation
Cognito PDF Documents:
- All Fully Approved Profiles
- Fully Approved Pre-Auth
- Fully Approved Approval Form
Creating Filters
Try setting up Filters to Capture all incoming forms. Click here to learn about Filtering.