COVID-19 Safety Plan

  • The OKCPS Respiratory Virus Safety Plan outlines comprehensive strategies aimed at preventing the transmission of COVID-19, and prioritizing the health and well-being of our students, staff, and community with the creation of a safe and conducive learning environment. Throughout the academic year, our protocols will be informed by local conditions and guidance from the Oklahoma City County Health Department (OCCHD), with communication to our families and staff regarding necessary safety measures.

    Respiratory Virus Safety Plan >


  • OKCPS-ESSER funds play a pivotal role in bolstering schools as they navigate the challenges posed by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. These Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Funds are specifically designed to provide substantial support, aiming to minimize disruptions caused by the pandemic, while simultaneously fostering the academic, social, and emotional development of students, thereby ensuring their comprehensive growth and sustained educational progress.

    ESSER Funds >