OU Health Telehealth School Program for Students

  • ou childrens

    Kids Shouldn't Have to Miss School. You Shouldn't Have to Miss Work.

    Virtual Medical Examinations for Students Through Oklahoma Children's Hospital OU Health

    OKCPS has partnered with Oklahoma Children’s Hospital pediatricians to provide care to students* at schools** through telehealth.

    • If a child is sick at school or needs to see a doctor, the school nurse can request a telehealth visit, connecting with pediatricians at Oklahoma Children’s Hospital for a virtual examination.
    • The child can be examined, diagnosed and treated through this technology.
    • If the child needs a prescription, the clinician will send in the request to the family's preferred pharmacy.
    • Parents are welcome to join the telehealth call but it is not required. 

    *Please note: families interested in having telehealth available for their students must fill out the required consent forms.
    **Check with your school nurse to ensure the program is available at your school.

How It Works

School-Based Telehealth

  • When a student gets sick during school hours they can complete a virtual visit with an Oklahoma Children's Hospital pediatrician with the help of the school nurse. The pediatrician can perform a full examination and provide testing and prescriptions if needed. Check YES on "Telehealth Permission" during enrollment and look for the forms in the Parent Portal required for your student to participate. Available at all OKCPS schools*.

    *Check with your school nurse to ensure the program is available at your school.

Required Forms

  • Please complete the telehealth forms on Parent Portal if you'd like your student to receive telehealth services while sick at school. 

    Parent Portal Access >


  • What is a school telehealth visit?

    Posted by:

    A school telehealth visit is a way for your child to be seen by an Oklahoma Children’s Hospital
    pediatrician while at school without leaving to go to a clinic, hospital, or urgent care. The pediatrician can remotely hear your child’s heart sounds and look into your child’s ears during the virtual exam, with the assistance of the school nurse.

    Comments (-1)
  • Who can use the school telehealth service?

    Posted by:

    The school telehealth program is only available to students who attend the participating schools who have completed the required forms.

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  • When is the school telehealth program available?

    Posted by:

    Appointments are available during school hours throughout the school year.

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  • How do I enroll my child in the school telehealth program?

    Posted by:

    To enroll, please sign the consent forms in the school telehealth enrollment packet. A parent/guardian’s signature is required on these forms before your child can use the school telehealth program.

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  • What is the cost of the school telehealth program?

    Posted by:

    Insurance will be billed. Most insurance plans cover all or most of the costs for telehealth visits. No child will be refused treatment due to inability to pay. For those without insurance, grant funding will help cover the cost of care.

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  • Can the parent be there for the telehealth visit?

    Posted by:

    Parents/guardians are always welcome to attend, but is not required. Parents/guardians can be added to the visit either by your cell phone number or email.

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  • Will my child get a prescription medication if needed?

    Posted by:

    If the pediatrician determines a prescription is necessary, they will send it to the family's preferred pharmacy listed on the participation form. Not all visits will result in a prescription.

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