Culture of Empowerment

  • We will build an ambitious learning community that leverages and shares the wisdom in the system.

    Our Priority Focus: Equity

    Strategic Initiative: Innovative Transformation Schools

    Desired Outcomes

    For Students 
    Instill the abilities in the Profile of a Graduate in all students, Pre-K through 12.

    For Staff
    Increase capacity for leadership at all levels.

    For System
    Establish clear expectations, logical guidance, and processes that entrust decisions to the right administrative level.


    Key Progress Indicator

    Academic Growth

    • This indicator reveals if students are on pace to gain a year's worth--or more--of learning from grade-to-grade.
    • Breaking it down by student groups, like English learners, students with disabilities, and race/ethnic groups, shows to what extent social factors predict that some students have fewer opportunities to learn.
    • Focusing on increasing academic growth accounts for the different levels of preparation students bring, while also recognizing the need for accelerated learning for students who have experienced fewer opportunities to learnCapital Improvements responsibility is ensure that new projects and remodels are performed to meet all local and state codes. This includes adhering to American Disabilities Act (ADA). We also verify that the District's design standards are used when designing projects. Our goal is to design and build projects that meet the needs of the school's administration and staff's needs. 
      Our mission is to provide equity and equality along with quality for all projects throughout the District.