• Profile of a Graduate

Profile of a Graduate

  • Critical Thinking and Problem and Solving

    Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
    An OKCPS graduate is academically prepared and makes connections among the disciplines. They have the ability to analyze problems, ask questions, and apply what they know to create new solutions.




    Cultural Competence Cultural Competence
    An OKCPS graduate understands and interacts effectively with others across lines of difference. They are aware of their own world view and are curious and humble toward others. They are socially conscious.




    Communication Communication
    An OKCPS graduate is able to take in, process, and share information and ideas orally, in writing, and through technology. They use their voices to advocate for what they believe in.




    Social and Emotional Wellness Social & Emotional Wellness
    An OKCPS graduate is resilient. They understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, and establish and maintain positive relationships.




    Adaptability Adaptability
    An OKCPS graduate knows that change is the only constant in life. They have the ability to learn and unlearn to adjust to new conditions with integrity to their values.




    Responsible Decision Making Responsible Decision Making
    An OKCPS graduate does the right thing. They act with ethics, initiative, and accountability. They use their power to care for themselves and others civically, financially, and through their use of technology.




    Perseverance Perseverance
    An OKCPS graduate can do hard things. They embrace productive struggle and persist with determination to reach their goals.