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  • Translation Services provides written translations from English to Spanish and Spanish to English. Translation Services can accommodate other languages on an as-needed basis.

    Documents submitted for translation will be processed in the order received and should be submitted at least 7 school days before the document is needed. For this service, use the form on the right side of this page. Requests for translation of documents into a language other than Spanish will be considered and reviewed on a case by case basis. 

    We translate:

    • School and district forms that parents need to complete, read, and/or respond to.
    • Important school and district letters, newsletters, announcements, etc.
    • School and district handbooks for parents.
    • Foreign transcripts.
    • Any other type of documents that district or school personnel consider essential and vital for parents.

    Helpful information when requesting a translation:

    • Documents provided should be only final documents, we do not translate drafts.
    • Documents provided should be in Microsoft Word; other types of files may not be accepted or result in delays.
    • When submitting a revised document, that has previously been translated, please provide a record of the revisions (i.e. electronic file showing tracked changes, a list of the edits, etc.).
    • Please note that we do not translate copyrighted materials unless the proper permissions have been obtained.

