- Oklahoma City Public Schools
- Board Meetings
- Public Comments
Public Comments Procedures
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Starting with the September 16, 2024, regular Board of Education business meeting, the time period to sign up to request to make public comments has changed to start at 4:30 pm and end at 5:00 pm, on the day of business meetings, as outlined / highlighted below.
In order to maintain open lines of communication, the Board will provide time for public comments during this business meeting. Public comments will be heard only during the designated Public Comments portion of the Agenda.
Any person who is a student, parent, resident, employee, citizen, patron, stakeholder, or official representative of a recognized group or organization of this school district may address the Board for a maximum of three (3) minutes, when granted permission by the Board Chairperson. Where several people and/or delegations wish to address the same subject, a spokesperson must be selected. Unless otherwise provided for, Public Comments will only be allowed during periods specifically allotted for that purpose. Citizens of the district, including delegations or individuals, have the right, and are encouraged, to attend meetings of the Board and to listen to and observe its deliberations, including through livestream media. In the interest of orderly conduct of Board meetings, spontaneous discussion from the floor shall not be permitted. The individual dignity of Board members, district employees, students, and all persons in attendance at Board meetings shall be respected; accordingly, no persons in attendance at Board meetings shall be subjected to abuse through these proceedings.
Individuals are requested to seek resolution of specific problems at the school site or most appropriate central office level. Persons are encouraged to write to the Board or the superintendent with general questions, concerns, suggestions or to obtain information about the district. Each person will receive notice of the receipt of his or her written correspondence, which may include a response.
Individuals who wish to address an agenda-related topic at a regularly scheduled business meeting are required to complete a Public Comments Sign-up Form before the Board meeting convenes. An OKCPS staff member will be at a table in the foyer outside the board meeting room with Public Comment Sign-up Forms between 4:30 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting. This is the only time forms may be submitted to request to make public comments at Board meetings. Public comments must pertain to a topic listed on the agenda for the meeting when comments are made.
All persons who speak at Board meetings are to meet all provisions of this policy. School Board policies, state law and federal law have established separate and distinct procedures and forums for collective bargaining issues, and for the resolution of employee grievances, employee complaints, employee suspensions and terminations, complaints against individual employees, pupil suspensions and appeals, political campaigns, and litigation. To avoid circumvention of those separate proceedings and ensure fairness to all parties concerned, no person will be allowed to speak regarding the following: (1) an issue subject to collective bargaining; (2) an issue in a pending lawsuit, complaint or investigation filed with an outside agency, wherein the school district, employee(s) or the Board is party; (3) a pending grievance; (4) a pending complaint filed with the school district; (5) any grievance or complaint should first be filed with District Administration prior to being submitted to the Board of Education; (6) a complaint against individual employee(s); (7) an employee disciplinary action, suspension, or termination; (8) a pupil suspension or appeal which may ultimately reach the Board of Education; (9) a solicitation for business for the District to buy a product or service; and, (10) disparaging comments about any individual, by name, shall not be permitted.
Additionally, no person who has publicly announced or filed as a candidate for public office may speak during this session. The Board Chairperson may interrupt and terminate any presentation that is not in accordance with any of these criteria. Board members may not respond to speakers' comments.