Board of Education

  • okcps logoComprised of seven members and a chairperson elected by District patrons, the Oklahoma City Public Schools (OKCPS) Board of Education enacts policy; performs appraisals of policies and procedures; approves provisions of financial resources; hires and supervises the superintendent; maintains public relations; and collaborates with the superintendent to identify methods to improve educational programs and District operations, and works with city, county, and state elected officials, and community organizations, on a number of mutually beneficial partnerships and issues that could impact the OKCPS Community.

Contact Us

  • Craig Cates

    Board Services Director
    Board Clerk | Minutes Clerk

    Office Location
    The Clara Luper Center
    for Educational Services
    615 N. Classen Blvd., Rm. 108
    Oklahoma City, OK 73106

    OKCPS Board Services
    Post Office Box 36609
    Oklahoma City, OK 73136