Talking Points

  • What is Talking Points?

    Talking Points is an online platform where staff members and school leaders can have two way communication with parents in the family's preferred language.

    How is this different from Blackboard, ClassDojo, Remind, etc.?

    Unlike Blackboard, where parents cannot reply back to a text message, Talking Points offers two way communication with parents, enabling them to reply to text messages and ask questions. 

    What makes Talking Points unique from the rest of the messaging platforms is that the parent will receive the text message in the language they speak. Additionally, the parent can type back a message in their home language and the teacher/staff receives it in English.

    How does the translation work?

    TalkingPoints makes communication understandable, accessible, and equitable. TalkingPoints offers two-way enhanced translation, powered by both human translators and machine-learning algorithms. Once students' contacts are assigned a home language, all communications to that contact are automatically translated into that home language. There are no additional steps to ensure translation! They receive messages in their home language, and you receive messages back in English. 

    Can school administrators monitor conversations?

    Yes, school administrators can see all conversations and replies between their staff members and families.

    Is there an app for Talking Points?

    Yes, the Talking Points app is available for both Apple and Android. There is also a separate app for teachers and one for families. 

    Apple iOS

    Google Play

    Is there a cost for it?

    OKCPS is paying at the district level for all schools to have access to use the platform.

    How can I have access to Talking Points?

    All teachers and school administrators can have access to Talking Points by following these simple steps:

    1. Visit

    2. At the top right corner, click Log In

    3. Use your OKCPS Google credentials to sign in

    Can I message a student directly on Talking Points?

    Yes, Talking Points is one of the approved channels of communication to comply with law (HB 3958). With Talking Points, teachers can message the student directly if their cellphone number has been provided and is in the system and if the student is at least 13 years old. Please note that students will need to be invited to use Talking Points and accept the invitation sent through email before teachers can message them using Talking Points. School administrators are able to see all communications sent between teachers and students. 

    Additional Resources Regarding Staff Communication with Students

    How can I get additional training and support to learn how to use the platform?

    Yes, school administrators and teachers have access to this user guide with useful information and FAQs. Additionally, school administrators and staff members needing support, can contact:

    Juliana Gutierrez 
    Communications Manager 

    Jessica Haque
    Communications Specialist 

    School administrators are welcome to schedule free training for them and their staff with our Talking Points representative, Simon Miera. To schedule training, please use this link.