
    By providing equitable access to a world class education, every Oklahoma City Public Schools student will graduate ready to fulfill their unique purpose in a healthy, vibrant community.


    Every day, Oklahoma City Public Schools will ignite a passion for learning in every child, invite families to engage, and inspire respectful and trusting relationships with our diverse community.


    About Our District

    Oklahoma City Public Schools (OKCPS) is a multi-cultural district serving approximately 34,000 students. Our students are educated throughout 33 elementary schools, 12 middle schools, 8 high schools, 4 alternative schools and 6 charter schools located within 135.5 square miles in the center of Oklahoma. 

    We employ nearly 6,100+ administrators, teachers, and support personnel who serve a student population which is comprised of 2% Asian/Pacific Islander, 2% Native American, 6% Multiracial, 14% Caucasian, 22% African American, 54% Hispanic individuals.

    Additionally, 16,500 of our students are bilingual and 13,000 are English Language Learners. Our students and their families represent many different languages; top two being English with 59% and Spanish with 39%.

    OKCPS offers special education programs across the district to serve the 16% of our population with disabilities or special needs.

    OKCPS is a CEP district which means every student eats free breakfast and lunch every day. We serve approximately 55,000 meals daily (including breakfast and lunch), along with snacks at several school sites.

    We provide transportation to an average of 7,000 students daily to and from school.


    *Updated August 19, 2021

  • Educational Equity

    • Educational equity is defined as making decisions strategically based upon the principles of fairness, which includes providing a variety of educational resources, models, programs, and strategies according to student needs that may not be the same for every student or school with the intention of leading to equality of academic outcomes.

    Vision for Equity

    • OKCPS envisions a future in which social factors are not predictive of student outcomes. The district has a responsibility to ensure equitable and fair educational opportunities for all students by allocating resources fairly and equitably, providing diverse learning opportunities, and demonstrating a commitment to equity and fairness across the school district.

      The district is committed to creating, building, and sustaining an environment that embraces racial, ethnic, cultural, and socioeconomic diversity and that provides equitable access to a high standard of educational success for all students with the intention of closing achievement gaps, particularly for student groups with the greatest academic needs in the district.

      OKCPS recognizes that equity does not mean equality, but rather the establishment of high standards for all students while providing the opportunities, support, settings, and resources needed so all students receive a high-quality education.

      Particular attention should be paid to students who are socioeconomically disadvantaged, African American, Hispanic, Native American, English learners and students with disabilities. OKCPS must continually evaluate the progress to achieve and maintain systemic change. The superintendent shall use an equity lens in all district planning efforts and shall report to the board at least annually on progress toward our goal of equitable student academic outcomes.

    Factors to be Considered

    • A number of critical factors must be considered to ensure that all students achieve at high levels.

      Factors include, but are not limited to:

      • The quality and stability of the teachers in a school
      • The quality and stability of leadership in a school
      • The purposeful allocation of resources (fiscal, operational, and structural) necessary to support high levels of student achievement
      • High expectations for all students
      • The expectation that every neighborhood has a great school with culturally responsive classrooms at every grade level
      • Student-centered, research-based, and innovative teaching and learning
      • The elimination of the root causes of disparate outcomes, including suspensions, expulsions, and graduation rates

      In recognizing these critical factors, the district reaffirms its commitment to the goal of educational excellence and equitable opportunities for all its students.