Oklahoma weather has a history of sudden changes and unpredictability. Consequently, areas of best available refuge have been identified in any district buildings that do not have specifically engineered shelter areas. Regular drills are conducted by district staff and students on how to get into these areas of refuge and shelter areas and to constantly evaluate and improve our procedures.
Stay Informed!
Please know that the OKCPS Communications team will use the following methods to pass along information:
- Blackboard phone & text messaging (Employees and Students)
- OKCPS website
- Email (Employees)
- District social media sites Twitter and Facebook
- Local television and radio stations
Severe Weather Terminology, Definitions, and Expectations:
A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING is issued when severe weather has been observed or is considered imminent in the warned areas. Students will remain in school with staff. If conditions become sufficiently severe as to create a concern for safety, building principals may direct students and staff to pre-designated tornado shelter/refuge areas until the warning has been canceled.
A TORNADO OR SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH is issued when a tornado or severe thunderstorms are possible in and near the watch area. It does not mean that they will occur. The District will continue normal activities but move all outdoor activities indoors.
A TORNADO WARNING is issued when a tornado has either been sighted or considered to be imminent in the warned area. Students will remain in school, along with staff in pre-designated shelter/refuge areas, until the warning has been canceled.