- Oklahoma City Public Schools
- Mental Health Plan Updates
February 2020
Posted by:Handle with Care presentation at Sherriff's academy.
District's Professional Development Day was centerd on trauma. Arranged for all OKCPS certified staff to attend the OSDE's Bridges to Hope: Teaching in the Shadow of Trauma conference. Dr. Bruce Perry discussed the impact of trauma on students and staff. Dr. Perry is an expert in the field of trauma. To find material from his presentation and others, please click here: Dr. Bruce Perry's materials
HB3640, Handle with Care, went to subcommittee and was approved.
Teri Bell presented EmbraceOKC plan and data to Blue Cross Blue Shields Community Affairs team.
January 2020
Posted by:First Semester Data: To review first semester data, please click here: Semester data
Additional Hope Rising seminars.
District is providing ongoing PBIS, Trauma, Psychological First Aid, Mental Health First Aid and other training.
Weekly meetings with ODMH and United Way to design readiness surveys, implementation steps, etc.
Teri Bell presented EmbraceOKC to OCCHD and Variety Care Sexual Health Educators.
Ongoing work with buildings implementing Tier II interventions, BISS.
December 2019
Posted by:Teri Bell meeting with community partners to discuss their role in EmbraceOKC. Meetings with Sunbeam, Northcare, Variety Care and others.
Designed instrument to gather first semester data on Tier II and II interventions.
Administered the OPNA survey to 6th, 8th, 10th and 12th graders.
Ongoing funding, implementation, etc meetings occuring.
November 2019
Posted by:Sean McDaniel, Debbie Hampton and Jessica hawkins presented EmbraceOK and OPNA information at the OSDE EngageOK Administrators Conference.
Teri Bell sat on the discussion panel at the Resilience showing, November 2019, at Metro tech. Discussed EmbraceOKC and ways the district is moving towards identifying students in need of supports and providing those supports.
Teri Bell met with First Lady Stitt to discuss EmbraceOKC. Mrs Stitt was very supportive and wants to provide her support in any way possible.
Attended Dr. Chen's presentation at Count Me in 4Kids on the Hope theory. Potts Family Foundation arranged one on one meeting with him to discuss Hope in the Embrace plan.
Teri Bell met with OSDE's Student Suport Services to discuss Embrace plan.
Ongoing meetings with Sean McDaniel, Debbie Hampton, Terri White and ODMH staff to discuss Tier III interventions, Embrace implementation and accountability.
Grant proposals submitted and funding requests are occurring.
October 2019
Posted by:Teri Bell and Judge Pemberton met to discuss Embrace and Handle with Care. Discussed ways the Court may get involved in notifying district of students in need of supports.
OKCPS and a team of community partners, OCPD, Northcare, DHS and ODMHSAS participated in a 3 day workshop, Building a Self Healing Community, presented by the Potts Family Foundation to discuss next steps and how partners can get involved.
Teri Bell spoke at a House Interim Study session on Handle with Care. Questions regarding Handle with Care and EmbraceOKC.
Crisis Management Team working on crisis protocls.
Presented Embrace to Foster Care Task Force.
Ongoing weekly meetings with Oklahoma Dept of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, ODMHSAS, to discuss Embrace programs and implementation.
Ongoing work with United Way grant writer on funding opportunities.
September 2019
Posted by:Ongoing discussion with DHS about partnership.
EmbraceOKC Data and Reporting Committee developed and schedule of ongoing meetings to develop procedures for funding, financial tracking, data collection and outcome measurements.
Presentations regarding Handle with Care was provided at the Association of Chief of Police, State Department of Education and to Norman Public Schools.
Article in the Oklahoman: Community leaders work to address childhood trauma, psychological distress,
Article Link: https://oklahoman.com/article/
5641185/community-leaders- work-to-address-childhood- trauma-psychological-distress