Sean McDaniel, Debbie Hampton and Jessica hawkins presented EmbraceOK and OPNA information at the OSDE EngageOK Administrators Conference.
Teri Bell sat on the discussion panel at the Resilience showing, November 2019, at Metro tech. Discussed EmbraceOKC and ways the district is moving towards identifying students in need of supports and providing those supports.
Teri Bell met with First Lady Stitt to discuss EmbraceOKC. Mrs Stitt was very supportive and wants to provide her support in any way possible.
Attended Dr. Chen's presentation at Count Me in 4Kids on the Hope theory. Potts Family Foundation arranged one on one meeting with him to discuss Hope in the Embrace plan.
Teri Bell met with OSDE's Student Suport Services to discuss Embrace plan.
Ongoing meetings with Sean McDaniel, Debbie Hampton, Terri White and ODMH staff to discuss Tier III interventions, Embrace implementation and accountability.
Grant proposals submitted and funding requests are occurring.