• Welcome to OKCPS!

    Welcome to Oklahoma City Public Schools and congratulations on your new position!  You are now eligible to purchase health, dental, vision, and life insurance. Below are the forms and information you will need to assist you with enrolling in your election of benefits.  

    The enrollment forms found in the link(s) below are required to be submitted within 30 days from your hire date to the Benefits Department.  If you miss the deadline for submission you will be unable to enroll in benefits until the Open Enrollment Period with the effective date of January 1 of the pursuing year. 


    DOWNLOAD - Onboarding Packet

    DOWNLOAD - Benefits Option Guide

    Help: How to unzip a file on PC or MAC


    If you are not electing any benefits, we still require the following forms:

    • Section 125 Enrollment

    • OMES Benefit Insurance Enrollment form or OKCPS Declining Coverage Form

    • VOYA beneficiary form for the life insurance provided by the District

    • Oklahoma Teachers Retirement (OTRS) beneficiary form

    • OTRS Participation form (for support employees only)


    All employees who enroll in Medical Coverage will receive the Flexible Benefit Allowance (FBA) in the amount of $640.28 per month to apply toward medical premiums.  


    Support employees will also receive Board Paid Contribution (BPC) in the amount of $123.00 per month to apply toward medical premiums.  

    Pro-Tech/Administrative Staff, will also receive a Board Paid Contribution (BPC) in the amount of $155.00 per month to apply toward medical premiums.


    If you decline Medical Insurance provided through the District, you will receive Cash in Lieu per month in the amount based on classification:

    • Certified Staff: $69.72

    • Support Staff: $189.70

    • Pro-Tech/Administrators (NonCertified): $256.38

    • Pro-Tech/Administrators (Certified): $136.40

    • Principals: $69.72


    Submission of your forms will be accepted through email, fax, or by hand delivering your forms to the HR. (Contact information listed below). Please review your plan guidelines for insurance enrollment. This will help you determine what documents are required based upon your elections. If you have questions, please contact the Benefits Department at 405-587-0800.


    Fax: (405) 587-0148
    Email: hrbenefits@okcps.org
    Hand Deliver: Clara Luper 615 N. Classen, Oklahoma City, OK 73160