- Oklahoma City Public Schools
- Gifted & Talented
- Advanced Learner Identification
Gifted & Talented
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Gifted and Talented Learners
Who are gifted and talented learners in Oklahoma City Public Schools?
Children are gifted when their ability is significantly above the norm for their age. Giftedness may present in one or more areas such as academics (reading, writing, math, science, etc.), creativity, leadership, critical thinking, or the visual and/or performing arts. Not all gifted children look or act alike, and they are present in all student groups, regardless of gender, disability, English language proficiency, economic status, ethnic, or cultural background.
Why identify them?
- To find which students perform at, or show the potential for performing at an outstanding level when compared with others of the same age, experience, or environment
- To match the most appropriate level of service (curriculum, instruction, and support) to the student’s needs in order to produce advanced achievement
Identification Process
How will gifted and talented learners be identified?
All students in the first grade, sixth grade who are not currently identified, or new to the district will be given the Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test - Third Edition (NNAT3) to test for giftedness. A student may also be referred for screening for gifted by a parent/guardian, a teacher or other staff member, the student themselves, or any other individual with knowledge of the student. Students scoring at the 97th percentile or higher will be identified as gifted. Students may also be identified as gifted through multiple criteria which could be a combination of academic test scores, parent and/or teacher recommendation, and NNAT3 scores.
Why screen all 1st and 6th graders?
Our goal is to find and nurture gifted students of all cultural and socioeconomic groups. By screening all students at some point in their elementary years, we will find students who are performing at advanced levels, and those who have the potential and ability to perform at advanced levels. Research has shown that culturally, linguistically and economically diverse students are less likely to be referred for screening for advanced programs. Equity of opportunity will ensure a larger, more diverse talent pool.
What is the NNAT3?
The Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test (NNAT3) is a nonverbal, culturally neutral assessment of general abilities ideal for diverse populations.
What if a student is not identified as a gifted and talented learner this year?
A student who does not score high enough to be identified this year may take the test again the following school year.
GATE Individual Programming Option Form
GATE Individual Programming Option Form (Spanish)
GATE Identification Matrix Grades K-3
GATE Indicators Checklist for Teachers Grades K-3
GATE Learning Behaviors Parent/Guardian Grades K-3
GATE Learning Behaviors Parent/Guardian Grades K-3 (Spanish)
GATE Identification Matrix Grades 4-12