
All students need to be up to date on their vaccines in order to be in compliance with district policy. Families who do not participate in vaccines must provide a vaccine waiver to the school nurse. 


The Caring Van will be here at the school on Thursday, Oct 24th from 9 am- noon, for student and staff flu vaccines. They will also offer other vaccines that are required for school, as well as both Meningitis vaccines.


One of the Meningitis vaccines being offered is required by many colleges for incoming students. This includes MenACWY and MenB. Boosters for MenACWY are recommended for ages 16 and up and will cover college requirements. MenB vaccines can be given at age 16. Both of these vaccines are costly to receive as adults ($123- $186), but free before turning 18.


For more information about vaccines, visit: or contact the school nurse.


Consent forms for vaccines must be complete and must note if vaccines can be given without a parent's presence. However, you do not need to prove if you have or do not have insurance.


Consent forms for regular vaccines can be found at: