
  • Ridgeview Elementary School has a wonderful and energetic group of volunteers who help us in many ways of school  life.  We have volunteer opportunities to fit anyone's talents and schedule.

    Want to help your school do the Best? Be the Best? You can be an important part -- if you have an extra hour or more a week - become a  RIDGEVIEW-TEER! 


    • TEACHERS HELPERS: Some teachers will be asking for help inside and outside the classroom.  After the teacher assesses their needs, we will contact the volunteers and try to meet those needs.


    • CAFETERIA VOLUNTEER: Lower grade/upper grade lunch duty.  :30minutes to volunteer as a lunchroom helper handing out silverware and napkins...entertaining and keeping them quiet.


    • PLAYGROUND HELPERS: Volunteer to spend one or two lunchtimes (10:30- 12:35) to increase the number of supervising adults/teachers on our playground at recess.  This is a fun but very important way to help keep the playground safe for our students!


    • TUTORING: Can you spare 30 minutes a week to help a child?  After the teachers identify students who need some extra help, tutors meet with the students during the school day, once a week.  The meeting time is chosen to suit your schedule, and it's a great way to make a difference in a students life...and a great way to help the teacher who is trying to keep the student caught up in class.


    • OFFICE HELPER: Give Mel and Kathy a break, surprise them with lunch, a treat of chocolate, maybe some green tea or just grab the phones and do a little filing.


    • ONE-TIMER: Occasionally the school needs help with one-time activities (such as assisting the nurse with screening, assisting with kindergarten testing, or filing in for a teacher while she attends a meeting). Can we count on you when these needs arise?

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