Southern Hills Programs
Social-emotional learning (SEL) is the process of developing the self-awareness, self-control, and interpersonal skills that are vital for school, work, and life success. People with strong social-emotional skills are better able to cope with everyday challenges and benefit academically, professionally, and socially. From effective problem-solving to self-discipline, from impulse control to emotion management and more, SEL provides a foundation for positive, long-term effects on kids, adults, and communities.
At Southern Hills Elementary, we prioritize our students' well-being every day. Each day, our Cardinals participate in a classroom Morning Meeting on various character traits and life skills. Teachers lead this effort in partnership with our Counseling and Social Work team.Each week, as a school, we have a Character Trait or Life Skill focus:
Mondays: READ IT - Students engage in a read aloud together
Tuesdays: OBSERVE IT - Students engage in visual discussion and role play
Wednesdays: EXPLORE IT - Students play a game or activity together
Thursdays: EXPLAIN IT -Students reflect and write together
Fridays: CELEBRATE IT -Students recognize their strengths and classes celebrate
During our monthly Hill Huddle Assemblies, students are recognized for their Character Traits.Our Monthly Character Traits & Life Skills
August: Respect, How to Model our SOAR Expectations
September: Kindness, How to Help our Community
October: Self Awareness, How to Communicate our Needs
November: Teamwork, How to Problem-Solve
December: Generosity, How to Use Small Gestures of Generosity
January: Responsibility, How to Stay Organized & Use Time Management
February: Empathy, How to Care for Someone in Need
March: Individuality, How to Celebrate our Similarities and Differences
April: Perseverance, How to Cope with a Failure
May: Friendship, How to be a Good ListenerW.I.N
WIN Time stands for What I Need, also known as a comprehensive learner-centered approach. Students will benefit from differentiated instruction that occurs during a 50-minute daily block that includes targeted skill gap support for students in Tier 3 Academics as well as tiered services for Social Emotional Learning, Language Acquisition, Gifted and Talented, and Enrichment.
This program aims to provide students with intensive assistance and enrichment to ensure all students at Southern Hills are learning at high levels.
Students are serviced based on their individual data, teacher input, parent and family input, student feedback based on individual goal setting, and overall classroom performance. These decisions are made together in our Multi-tired Systems of Support (MTSS) meetings.PBIS
PBIS stands for Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports. PBIS promotes positive behavior at Southern Hills by teaching clear expectations. By doing this, schools are proactive in preventing undesirable behavior. When the entire school building uses common language and shared expectations students know what is appropriate and what is not.
There are specific components that we know are integral to the success of PBIS in our building:
- Development of appropriate behavioral expectations
- Teaching and reteaching appropriate behavioral expectations
- Recognizing students who follow expectations
- Providing clear and consistent interventions to those who need behavioral support
- Tracking and using data to make student support decisions
At Southern Hills we SOAR
- Show Self Control
- Own Our Behavior
- Act Responsibly
- Respect Ourselves and Others
At Southern Hills, students earn SOAR recognition throughout the week.