Southeast Middle School Uniform Policy


    1. Royal blue , light blue, or white collared shirt
    2. 2Black, Navy Blue or Tan pants/skirts/shorts/dress
    3. 3Neutral shoes (black, brown, white gray, navy)
    Per board policy, students enrolling in OKCPS for the first time during the school year are granted a grace period up to 20 school days before being required to comply with the uniform.
    Students refusing to follow the uniform policy may be subject to consequences noted in the District’s Student Code of Conduct.
    The following guidelines apply to all students in District schools when they are at school or school-sponsored events:


    • Selected from khaki and school-designated colors.
    • Fastened at the waist, except for dresses. Sagging or “low rise” clothing is inappropriate for school.
    • White, black, or navy leggings may be worn under skirts, skorts, or dresses.
    • Hemlines must be of modest length at or below the student’s fingertip with arm fully extended.


    • Selected from white and school-designated colors.
    • Long or short-sleeved with or without collars as designated by the school.
    • Free of visible logos, labels, words, or pictures other than approved school logos or names.
    • Shoulder straps of at least two student fingers wide.
    • Buttoned or zipped appropriately.


    • Shoes are required at all times on school property and school buses. Shoelaces must be tied.
    • Flip-flops, beach or pool shoes and house shoes are not acceptable for school.


    • Sweatshirts, sweaters, or vests, all without hoods, in school-designated colors.
    • Free of visible logos, labels, words, or pictures other than approved school logos or names.
    • Coats may not be worn inside the building during school unless the principal makes an exception if the school is unusually cold. but shall be worn to school and placed in the student’s locker or hung in the student’s classroom or another location designated by the principal.


    • Caps, hats, or head coverings including scarves, bandanas, and sweatbands are not worn in the school building. Exceptions include a head covering associated with student’s religious beliefs, for medical reasons, or as approved by the school administration for a special school activity.
    • Jewelry and accessories which pose a safety concern for the student or others are prohibited.
    • Student belts must be a solid color with a plain belt buckle and worn in the belt loops.


    Parents, please help us keep Southeast Middle School safe and focused on learning by ensuring your children meet the uniform requirements.