Library Databases

  • Library Media Vision:  To prepare all students to succeed as life 

    Remember the DATABASES!

    Destiny Digital Library

    OKCPS provides these databases for your research and information needs. Please use them! Always begin with Destiny! It is our library catalog. Destiny includes all our library books, WebPath Express, videos and online resources.  

    Click on the name of your school: Southeast High School

    1. Destiny Digital Library:  Click on the Catalog tab

    Each student and teacher has a unique username and password. Use your Google Single Sign On. 

    Destiny is OKCPS’s library media center collections. Find and borrow books & other materials from your school library and all other OKCPS libraries!

    To borrow a book from another OKCPS library follow these steps:  1st, click on the Catalog tab; 2nd, Login; 3rd, change Location from Southeast High School to "Oklahoma City Public Schools. 4th, type in the name of the book you are looking for or the genre of a book, or your favorite author; 5th, click on the title of the book and the details of the book; 6th, click "hold it" and click "as soon as possible."  The hold must be approved by you sites' librarian, then the other school library will either send it through school mail, or they will give a reason for not sending it, such as "this title is checked out," or "this title is lost." 

    2. Destiny WebPath Express:  Click on the Catalog tab / Click on WebPath Express

    Use your Google Single Sign On username and password.

    Destiny WebPath Express is a database of over 73,000, curriculum related Web sites, hand-picked by educators, verified for accuracy and objectivity, and tagged with a grade level range.


    3. World Book Online:  Click on the Home tab, then on World Book Online link.

    Ask school librarian for username and password.

    World Book Online is praised for appropriateness at all grade levels.

    The World Book Web is a suite of online research tools that includes encyclopedia articles, primary source collections, educator tools, student activities, pictures, audio, and video, complemented by current periodicals and related Web sites.

    World Book Student / World Book Advanced / World Book Discovder


    4.  Click on the Home tab, then on the link.

    Teachers sign up for account using your Google Single Sign On. is an online collection of K-12 multimedia author and book resources.

    Author Programs / Book Guides / Book Readings / Thematic Booklists / Book Awards

    You will love this collection. Use it today!


    5. Discovery Education streaming Click on the Home tab, then on the Discover Education link.

    Each teacher has a unique username and password. Use your Google SSO.

    Discovery Education streaming has 5,000 full-length videos segmented into 41,000 content-specific clips tied directly to state and national standards. You can create assignments to watch video segments for your classes.


    6. EBSCO: Click on the Home tab, then on the EBSCO link.

    Full-text articles and searchable databases for K-12

    Google Single Sign On for Username and Password.


    GVRL:  Free access to electronic nonfiction reference books.  E-Books for research.