Educational Links
4 KidsMath, Reading and Language Arts
A+ MathAdd, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, Telling Time
Access Excellence MysteriesScience and Health
Ben's Guide to 50 StatesInteractive games for K-3
Book PalsStoryline Online, Reading and Language
Count Us InMath for K-2; Similar to Star Fall except it's Math
EBSCOResearch, English, Reading: Database for Researching
EdHeadsScience and Math
Imagination CubedArt, Language and English
LumosityMemory Skills, Brain Training
Reading BearReading, Language Arts, Phonics: PK-2
SpeakaboosAnimated Stories
Spelling CityPractice your spelling words
Star FallReading and Language Arts for grades PreK-1
Teachers Love SMART BoardsGames for your SMART Board
The League of ScientistsGrades 4-5: science skill building games
TreasuresMacMillan-McGraw/Hill Reading
Up to TenMore than 600 educational games & activities for students under 10; in English, Spanish, French, Dutch, and Italian.
Woodlands Math ZoneAll Math Building Concepts
WordleLanguage Arts, English, and Writing
Worldbook OnlineEncyclopedia online