How to Access Ebooks at the Metropolitan Library
1. Go to www.metrolibrary.org
2. Click on "Find" to open the drop-down menu. Choose "ebooks & Audiobooks".
3. There are many choices. For our Monroe students, I would recommend browsing the "Kids Audio and Ebooks" and "Tumblebooks".
4. To be able to read a book you must log in.
At the Remote Access Login page your User Name is your Student ID number, for example 123456. Your password is your last name(s) as it is in Infinite Campus. If you have trouble please contact your school librarian.
5. Choose any book or search for a book or subject.
6. You will be given the choice of a PDF Download or a Full Download. Please choose the PDF Download.
7. PLEASE! If you start an eBook or Audiobook and if you FINISH the book, or, don't like it, or don't want to continue reading it, go into your account and RETURN it so that others can read it!