• Checkout Policy                                                                                                                          

    Students may come to the library as often as allowed by their class teacher.                                  
    The maximum number of books is determined by grade level.                                    reading a book

    PreK - 1 book                                                  
    Kindergarten - 1 book
    1st grade - 1 book
    2nd grade - 2 books
    3rd grade - 3 books
    4th grade - 4 books


  • Overdue/Lost Books                            

    lost books

    Overdue or lost books will count toward the student's maximum number of books for checkout. 
    Fines will be established for lost and/or damaged books.       
    Payment is required to clear the student's account.
    Students may substitute a new or used copy of the book for payment. Another title is acceptable but it must be of equal value.


Last Modified on April 30, 2020