ConnectEd iPad Frequently Asked Questions

  • Principal with Students and iPads

    Who is responsible for damage, loss or theft of the iPad?

    A comprehensive plan to address this need is under consideration by the school district.
    Currently, each iPad will be covered Apple Care+ for three years. This includes:

      • Unlimited telephone support for end users (students, parents, teachers, staff)
      • Comprehensive hardware coverage, including the USB cable and power adapter
      • Up to two incident of accidental damage from handing, each subject to a $49 service charge
      • iPad battery coverage*
      • Convenient service, including replacements within on business day.
      • Support for using iOS, Cloud, and Apple-Branded apps
      • A special toll free number and PIN will be given by the school district upon student launch.


    Will students be required to use a passcode to protect their iPad

    Yes, students will be required to use a passcode provided by the school to lock their iPad. In most cases, this will be a portion of there OKCPS student ID number. For this reason, students and parents are expected to not change the password. School staff must always be able to unlock the iPad upon request using the predetermine passcode. Students must not share their passcode with any other student.

    What is the discipline policy for misuse of an iPad?

    The school district does not tolerate any inappropriate use of the iPad. Students must abide by the rules and regulations set forth in the district AUP and iPad agreement. Students must remember that while they physically hold the iPad, it is not theirs. We are trusting that anybody that uses the iPad, including friends and family members, use it responsibly. Any use that violates the AUP or iPad agreement will result in disciplinary actions as stated in the AUP and in the district Code of Student Conduct.


    Is the school concerned that thieves may target our students because they carry iPads?

    If an iPad is stolen from a student, it will be remotely disabled and made useless. OKCPS also works with the OKC Police Department, the media and pawn shops to spread the word widely on this anti-theft feature. OKCPS will also develop a safety and awareness campaign that will teach students to carry the iPads in their backpacks and not use them in public spaces where they could be at-risk.


    What kind of family involvement and support will be provided for parents?


    • Families will be provided with guides for iPad use and invited to school and community-based events aimed at answering questions and providing support.
    • OKCPS is promoting specific curriculum and materials about digital literacy and citizenship including lessons on online safety. 
    • A list of apps and content that will be provided to students on their iPads is available. Teachers will also be providing an age-appropriate digital citizenship coursework for all students that will teach online safety so they can learn early on how to safely navigate the web.
    • A great parent resource that is listed on this page is Common Sense Media which provides guidance to parents on a number of online safety issues.


    Will my student be able to access unsafe or inappropriate material online with the iPad?

    All devices connected to OKCPS networks have access to filtered internet content. Content filtering is an imperfect science. Unfortunately, there is no technical solution that can ensure with certainty that no inappropriate images can be displayed. Our content filtering devices are CIPA compliant and are working as designed, effectively controlling the vast majority of the undesirable content available on the Internet. Families will need to take whatever measures they currently use at home to monitor online content when the iPads are used at home.


    Common Sense Media has numerous helpful resources for families on responsible digital use. The district will also be providing an age-appropriate Digital Citizenship course to all students that includes lessons on online safety; see the the iPad Student and Parent Handbook for more information. We strongly recommend that families use these materials to talk to their students about being responsible online in every situation.


    What evidence/research do you have that districts that personalize learning with iPads have made a positive impact on student achievement?

    Research concludes there are numerous benefits to implementing a 1:1 learning environment using iPads:

      • Increased student engagement
      • More authentic learning
      • Better connections to learning styles


    In our research and communication with other schools and districts, additional educational benefits were identified:

      • Increased student motivation
      • Increased variety of instructional methods
      • Improved access to information
      • Equal access for all students
      • Greater flexibility for mobile learning to occur anytime, anywhere.
      • Locally, early indications for Minnetonka's pilot showed measurable results with student organization, student achievement (fewer D's and F's), more student collaboration and an increase in the number of formative assessments teachers use to ensure student learning.

    See Apple’s iPads In Education Results page to see how schools across the nation are improving classrooms with technology.


    I am concerned about screen time and games. How will you ensure my student is not distracted at school?

    Technology as a potential distraction is a reality for today’s youth, and for adults too. Using these tools in school gives us the opportunity to teach students responsible use and ways to manage their online time for both learning and leisure. These important self-discipline skills will be valuable when they are unsupervised in the future.


    With students now working with iPads at school, what can families do to manage children's screen time?


    While it is true that some doctors recommend limiting screen time for entertainment purposes, there’s a huge difference between an hour spent playing games and the same amount of time spent learning vocabulary from a smartphone app or composing music online. It's a good practice to pay attention to both quality and quantity.

    In today’s 24/7 digital world, learning to balance media usage has become an essential part of growing up. Just as youth learn not to eat too much candy, they must learn how to manage their "media diets." Using iPads in school gives us the opportunity to teach students responsible use and ways to manage their online time for both learning and leisure. These important self-discipline skills will be valuable when they are unsupervised in the future.

    A good resource on this topic is Common Sense Media, has other useful information for parents looking for guidance in raising children in the digital age.

    What if a parent does not want their student to use an iPad at school?

    Education experts now indicate that iPads (or other similar tablet technology) will become essential learning tools for students in the same way that textbooks, paper and pencils have been. So that every student has an equitable learning experience, opting out of this technology is not an option.

    We understand that some families may have religious or other objections to technology in the home. If that is the case, accommodations will be made for those students to complete their homework without an iPad. However, all students will still be required to use the iPad at school.

    Some families have also expressed concerns about iPads or Wi-Fi causing health problems. We rely on leading organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) to provide guidance on matters related to health and safety. WHO concluded that there is no reliable evidence that iPads or other similar technologies are harmful. Visit the WHO web page for more details.

    Although it has been reported that people with nickel allergies experience discomfort from iPads, we have ensured that our iPads have cases that cover all exposed metal (except for the power button), so our students can comfortably use them.


    Will students be taking iPads home?

    Students in 3rd-6th grade will have a liberal daily take home privilege and must develop appropriate habits to support this opportunity. As long as expectations are followed your child will continue to have this opportunity to extend learning by taking home his or her iPad daily. Students in Pre-k through 2nd grade will use iPads daily in the school environment. A parent may make arrangements with individual teachers for check-out privileges of their child's iPad for take home on either a daily or as needed basis.

    What iPad and accessories will students receive?

    All students in Pre-k through 6th will receive an iPad Air 2, charging accessories, headphones, and protective case.

    What else does the ConnectED Grant provide for Arthur Elementary?

    Each teacher will receive an iPad Mini 3, and a MacBook Air Laptop. Each learning space will receive Apple TV, and epson projectors and accessories. Additionally, the school has received an wifi upgrade to ensure robust connectivity for students and teachers. The grant will also provide access to many content and curriculum apps and supplemental curriculum for our students.

    How did Arthur Elementary get chosen to be a ConnectED School?

    Arthur Elementary was selected through a grant process. We were selected out of thousands of applicants from across the country. There are 114 ConnectED schools who were selected by Apple to receive this opportunity. Arthur Elementary is the only school in the state of Oklahoma to be selected for this opportunity.

    What's the vision and goals of the ConnectED iPad program at Arthur Elementary?

    We have a bold vision for teaching and learning at Arthur Elementary. Our vision is to build a 1st Century learning environment that promotes collaboration, critical thinking, problem solving, creativity, and innovation. We will accomplish this with a whole-child approach where each child is safe, healthy, supported, engaged and challenged. We believe that a 1:1 learning environment where students have access to powerful technology will ups achieve our vision for learning.

    The goals of our 1:1 iPad program include :

      • Improve teaching and learning through enhanced teaching and learning practices. 
      • Improve student engagement through personalized learning.
      • Provide a rigorous academic environment. 
      • Create a transformative learning environment for students and teachers. 


    Essentially, we envision a school environment where parents and community embrace the students and learning at our school. Our school motto is.. "We will believe, We will Achieve, We will succeed".