Positive Behavior Interventions & Strategies Guiding Principles
Principle 1: Climate and Prevention
Create positive climates and focus on preventionSchools that foster positive school climates can help to engage all students in learning by preventing problem behaviors and intervening effectively to support struggling and at-risk students.
Principle 2: Expectations and Consequences
Develop clear, appropriate, and consistent expectations and consequences to address disruptive student behaviors
Schools that have discipline policies or codes of conduct with clear, appropriate, and consistently applied expectations and consequences will help students improve behavior, increase engagement, and boost achievement.Principle 3: Equity and Continuous Improvement
Ensure fairness, equity, and continuous improvement
Schools that build staff capacity and continuously evaluate the school’s discipline policies and practices are more likely to ensure fairness and equity.
Our School-Wide Procedures
- Enter the building quietly and calmly
- Follow hallway procedures
- Eat breakfast, following cafeteria procedures
- Walk to gym with book to read
- Sit in assigned row, Voice Level 1
- Exit following teacher directions
- Follow teacher to dismissal area
- Use hallway procedures
- Exit the building quietly and calmly
- Stay in pick-up area until your ride arrives
- Leave the campus immediately if walking home
- Enter Quietly, Voice Level 0
- Use the toilet
- Flush
- Wash and dry your hands
- Throw away all trash
- Walk in and sit in assigned row or chair
- Voice Level 1
- Face forward, hands in lap
- Treat all equipment and supplies respectfully
- participate in activity
- Voice Level 0
- Walk on tape
- Face forward with arms crossed
- Stop at stop sign
- Walk on yellow tiles with Voice Level 0, stopping at each diamond.
- Look at cooks and speak clearly.
- Walk carefully with tray and utensils to assigned tables.
- Use good manners with Voice Level 1
- Wait for teacher pick up
- Clean up your area
- Exit with Voice Level 0
- Enter and sit in lines quietly
- Face forward, hands in lap
- Voice Level 0 during presentation
- Participate when asked
- Applaud when appropriate
- Enter hallway quietly, Voice Level 0
- Walk to play area with a teacher
- Play with equipment correctly and safely
- Safe words, hands, and feet
- Line up when teacher signals