Subscription Information Databases
The library subscribes to several databases, or paid, curated information sources, to help you. Watch the video below to learn more about why you should try a database the next time you need information. Then explore the links and video tutorials below to learn more about the databases our school has. If you have questions or need help, ask a librarian at or schedule a time to meet one on one here.
Explora is a database to find sources for research that are more reliable than an internet search and easier to filter your results. Watch the video below to learn more about how Explora can help you!
Login by clicking the logo above, login with your OKCPS sign in and follow the directions to access.
Discovery Education
Discovery Education is a curated database of video, audio clips, and photographs and includes primary sources and secondary sources that help expain concepts. Discovery Education is searchable by keyword and can be filtered by topic, grade band, and copyright date. Watch the video below to learn more about what you can do with Discovery Education.
Discovery Education is integrated in Canvas to login
Digital Prairie
Digital Prairie is a database featuring Oklahoma and Oklahoma History as well as other sources. The database is provided by the State of Oklahoma and does not require a login if using in Oklahoma. Click the image below to access.
World Book Online
World Book Online is an online encyclopedia. It is a great starting point for research projects using Resource Guides or perfect for finding quick facts or biographical information in Biography Center. Access World Book Online by clicking the image or start a search typing in keywords in the search bar below.
Teaching Books is a database of resources on books and authors. Use this database for author studies, finding similar books and activities related to books. To access, click the image below, use your OKCPS sign in and follow the directions to login.
Poetry and Short Story Reference Center
You can use this database to search for poems, poets, short stories, authors and more using a single search box. You can also browse content alphabetically by most-studied poets and authors, most-studied works, poetic forms and techniques, themes, literary periods and movements. To access, click the image below, use your OKCPS sign in and follow the directions to login.
Novelist is a database designed to help you find the next book you want to read. Find the next book in a series, find read-alikes for your favorite title or author, read annotations of books, and recommendations based on themes and specific parts of a book. To access, click the image below, use your OKCPS sign in and follow the direction to login.