Welcome to our Library Page!

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    The mission of MLK Elementary Library is to foster a love of reading and empower students to be critical thinkers, effective and ethical users and producers of ideas and information, and continue as lifelong learners.                  

  • Ms. DeBerry's Digital Newsletter!

    Would you like to take a virtual field trip? Or find out which books are most popular? Click on the image below or click HERE to read this month's newsletter!

    DeBerry Bitmoji

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  • Meet the Media Center Staff

    Ms. DeBerry, Library Media Specialist                                                                                                      405.587.4000 | Email icon Email Ms. DeBerry

    Ms. Dawson, Media Center Assistant                                                                                                          405.587.4000


    Click the images to access the Metropolitan Library System or our Destiny homepage.

    MetroLibrary             Destiny Icon


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