+ Purchasing and Travel (Forms)



The Purchasing Department operates as the exclusive authority to obligate the District for Goods and Services under Policy C-11. All purchases are reviewed for quality, quantity and kind of material to ensure compliance with the Board approved authorizations, Competitive Bidding Act and Board Policy. As required, the Purchasing Department will prepare RFQ (Requests for Quotation) or RFP (Requests for Proposals) and/or Invitation to Bid (ITB) for construction in excess of $50,000 and for purchases in excess of $250,000. (Also See Regulation C-11-R1)


Email requests to: purchasing@okcps.org


>Contact finacctreporting@okcps.org for assistance.


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Let's go green! 
Forms are in PDF format allowing users to complete forms and insert an eSignature without printing. For best results, save a copy of the forms to your computer before completing.

 Let's go green! Forms are in PDF format allowing users to complete forms and insert an eSignature without printing. For best results, save a copy of the forms to your computer before completing.


Click the links below for the listed procedures/forms:



  1. How to Upload an Attachment to a PR
  2. ME2K Instruction for Open POs by Cost Center 
  3. ME5A Display Purchase Requisitions
  4. OKCPS Technology Purchasing Guide
  5. P-Card Sign in / Sign Out Log
  6. P-Card Transaction Log
  7. Primary Vendor Information 
  8. Purchasing Buyer Groups
  9. Vendor Application
    1. W-9 Form
  10. Vendor Corrective Action Form

Travel Page

  1. Request a Quote
  2. Expense Reimbursement
  3. Mileage Reimbursement
  4. Missing Receipt Affidavit Non-P-Card
  5. Missing Receipt Affidavit P-Card
  6. Professional Development and Travel Request Form
  7. Quick Link to GSA.Gov Per Diem Calculation  


 Tax Exempt Letters (by State)

  1. Florida
  2. Kansas
  3. Oklahoma
  4. Texas

Image result for pdf iconHow to Create and Insert Adobe e-Signatures


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