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July 16, 2024 | Changes for the Upcoming School Year

July 16, 2024


Taft Middle School Families,

We are excited to see your students in August and we are especially looking forward to welcoming our new members of the Royals family!

Construction on the Taft Campus on 23rd street will begin soon, so we wanted to outline some logistical details for the first day of school and beyond.

  • 7th and 8th graders* will remain at the 23rd street Taft Campus.

  • All 6th graders*, including students in the newcomer program,  will begin their day at the Taft Campus on 23rd street where they will eat breakfast, go to two classes and then have lunch. 

    • At 11:25am, after lunch, all 6th grade students will be transported by OKCPS buses to the Linwood Campus where they will complete their school day. 

    • Dismissal will include the option for students to be picked up at the Linwood Campus, ride the bus home from the Linwood Campus or ride a shuttle back to the Taft Campus where they may be picked up or walk home.

  • 5th graders* will be located at the Linwood Campus on 17th street.

  • All students in the Hearing Impaired/Deaf Education Program will attend classes at the Taft Campus on 23rd street for the entire day.

*Unless in a self-contained special education program. If your student is in a special education program, please see the information below. Students in the programs below will not be moved throughout the day.

  • Students in the CORE program will go to Mary Golda Ross Middle School. 

  • All 5th and 6th grade STARS students will be at the Linwood Campus all day. 

  • All 7th and 8th grade STARS students will be at the Taft Campus all day.

  • 5th -8th LIFE students will be at the Linwood Campus all day. 

  • 5th-8th RISE students will be at the Linwood Campus all day. 


Please contact the school at (405) 587-8000 with any questions.

Thank you for your patience as we go through the process of much-needed updates to our Taft Campus, as part of the bond package passed by our community in November 2022. We look forward to an amazing school year. Go Royals!