- Oklahoma City Public Schools
- Resources
- OKCPS Password Policy
Apple Active Directory password reset
OKCPS Apple MacBook Users,
Your Active Directory account password is due for reset!
OKCPS is now protecting the security of your data and our network by requiring a regular password reset. For added network security, we will each be asked to change our passwords every 120 days. For returning employees, this date will be Sept. 15th. Many of you will be receiving a notification when you log on to your MacBook. It will let you know your password will expire in the next ‘n’ days. You MUST change your password or you will be locked from the system when it expires and will require IT assistance to unlock your account.
*PLEASE NOTE* - Unless you are signed in to VPN, you will not be able to perform this password reset from home. The best course of action is to be proactive and do it while you are here in the office.
Although you will be prompted to “Click Change Password” when your Mac logs in, please cancel out of this. Due to the different ways the MacBook’s connect to our networks in the district, the most efficient method to ensure your AD password is properly changed from your MacBook, is to use the Change Password function in the OKCPS AUP Site.
- From the main AUP page, choose the Change Account Settings option near the bottom.
- On The next page, choose Change Password.
- You are then prompted to either “Randomly Generate Password”, or “Type by User”.
- If you choose Type by User, please remember the OKCPS Password Policy (You will be shown these items on the screen)Cannot contain the user's account name or parts of the user's full name that exceed two consecutive characters
- Cannot contain the user's account name or parts of the user's full name that exceed two consecutive characters
- Must be at least eight characters in length
- Must contain characters from three of the following four categories:
- English uppercase characters (A through Z)
- English lowercase characters (a through z)
- Base 10 digits (0 through 9)
- Non-alphabetic characters (for example, !, $, #, %)
- Once you have chosen a new password, and typed it in twice, you’ll click generate and a new page will open. This page will automatically close after 80 seconds, giving you enough time to write down your new password.
Your password to all our applications that use this single sign on will be changed. This includes email, computer log in, Infinite Campus, Lexmark log in, etc. *Please note that applications that do not use our Single Sign-On, such as SAP, will not change.
Remember, it is always a good idea to change your password and you may use the above steps to change it anytime you feel you may have been compromised. Each time you change your password, it will automatically reset your 120 day countdown. Be proactive, and get in the habit of changing yours regularly in order to keep your accounts and our network safe.
If you have any issues changing your password, you may always contact the Service Desk at 405-587-4357 (HELP) during normal business hours, and we’ll assist you.