November 18, 2022 | Message from McDaniel: OKCPS Celebrates Student Academic Growth
November 18, 2022
OKCPS Families, Staff and Community,
With the recent release of the Oklahoma School Testing Program (OSTP) assessment data, OKCPS would like to celebrate a few statistics. A foundational goal for OKCPS is that our students show growth in their academic achievement year over year. Just like with any journey, you move closer and closer to your destination with each step you take. OKCPS is taking those steps.
Every high school’s composite scores on their ACT increased from Fall 2021 to Spring 2022
In reading, the number of OKCPS 3rd, 4th, 7th and 8th graders scoring proficient or advanced increased from 2021 to 2022; with 3rd grade showing a 4.6% increase.
In math, the number of OKCPS 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th graders scoring proficient or advanced increased from 2021 to 2022; with 7.4% increase for 3rd graders and 6.8% increase for 4th graders.
During the first quarter of 2021, 43.2% of students were chronically absent. This year, 30.5% of students were chronically absent, an improvement of 12.7% from last school year. Chronic absenteeism is when a student is absent 10% or more of the days they were enrolled.
According to the October 1 official enrollment count, OKCPS increased total enrollment by 1,159 students. After several years of declining enrollment, this is a very promising indication our district is recovering from the impacts of the global pandemic. (2021-22 = 32,086; 2022-23 = 33,245)
While we realize that test scores or other data points are just one indicator of academic achievement, it’s also important to celebrate the gains made, big or small, by our students and their teachers.
When we all work together, great things happen.
Dr. Sean McDaniel